Nov.18, 2007
World deserves an explanation
MORE than six years after the Sept.11 attacks in the US, the National Institute for Standards and Technology has admitted that the total free-fall collapse of the twin World Trade Center towers in New York cannot be explained. The admission, which came after an exhaustive scientific study, implicitly acknowledged that controlled demolition is the only means by which the buildings could have come down.
The NIST was forced to make the admission in a letter to representatives of victims of the New York air assault. The letter states that "we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."
While a 10,000-page study presents numerous theories about the collapse, it does not provide any clue to how such a strong and reinforced steel structures of the two towers could fall through as if a knife cutting through butter.
The report does not offer any explanation the sudden freefall collapse of a third structure, World Trade Center Building 7, which was not hit by any aircraft but collapsed several hours after two airliners rammed into the two World Trade Center towers.
One of the most important findings of the NIST study is that virtually none of the steel in either of the two WTC towers reached temperatures hotter than 500 degrees whereas steel starts to weaken at 1,000 degrees and melts at 1,500 degrees.
There are many other technicalities raised in the report, but the net but implicit conclusion that one gets from it is that the collapse of the towers could have come only through explosives of a self-contained scale and nature placed within the structure.
With so many confusing and complex theories still floating as to who, how and why the air assaults, many are likely to brush aside the NIST finding as yet another supposition despite the scentific evidence that rules out the argument that the steel structure simply melted in the blaze caused by aviation fuel and the towers collapsed.
The concerned authorities in the US might not feel compelled to offer any explanation or might even want to avoid offering any at all. After all, they represent the executive authority of the United States of America and the collapse happened in the territory of the USA.
However, given that the Sept.11 attacks triggered an unprecedented course of events which touched the life of everyone on this planet, directly or indirectly, the international community could not but be involved. The US declared a war against terror in the wake of the attacks and the world could not but join the US camp, given the ferocity of the attacks that killed about 2,800 people, the natural sympathy with the victims and a desire to ensure that such atrocities do not happen again. The world could not but recognise that the US did have a cause and hence it put up with revelations after revelations of how the sole superpower went after everyone with a vengeance that violated human rights and every known provision in the international code of conduct in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places.
Today, in light of the findings of the NIST that contradict some of the basic premises about the Sept.11 attacks and suggest that internal forces were at work on the ground to complement the assaults from air, the international community has the right to know what really happened. It is unlikely that this right would be acknowledged and respected, but let it go on international record that the world has not swallowed the official version of the Sept.11 attacks that changed the course of world history.